Please help us change lives!
TCO helps bring together individuals with similar disabilities.
Support at this juncture can bring a lot of positive attitude among the folks.
Games and sports build confidence and increase motivation.
TCO works to instill confidence in amputees so that they come out of their sedentary life style, restricted due to losing a limb/limbs, and explore their full potential by indulging them in sports.
Please support us in our cause to motivate the Challengers.
In 3 years we covered 18 cities and touch based 55000 people. Approx 3000 PWD showcased their abilities.
TCO is purely managed by funds raised on personal basis. Any support will boost our morale and is welcome.
You can volunteer for our cause. We conduct events throughout the year and any help is welcome.
Help us help you by joining our cause. Be a part of a bigger community.