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Saath Saath

Saath Saath: To Stay Together

TCO believes in living like a family and support, guide, motivate and push each other as a family member.

Amputation is a life changing experience. It is neither possible nor intended by anyone, to understand the nuisances related to life after losing a limb, even before facing any such challenge personally. We can not prepare for it beforehand. Over that the initial days after amputation are emotionally draining for person who lost limb, and the family. Most often society adds to their vows by making statements and forcing them to focus on negative and short-sighted perspective towards life.

The statements like, “what wrong karma you did that you are suffering with disability now?”, “your life is spoiled”. “Who will marry you?”, “who will give you job?” etc etc, are very common in our society. A fresh amputee is therefore, under stress of coping with the new life, challenges associated with personal and emotions of family, and finding the tricks to take back the control of life. Anyone suffering the loss of a limb finds it difficult to adapt to new life. All amputees in the beginning face a similar set of problems and challenges.

Connecting with new amputees and giving them platform to discuss their daily challenges and queries, is done under this program. In order to help, guide and resolve these issues, TCO reaches out to fresh cases of amputation and hand hold them. Peer support and counselling is the part of this program.

As of year 2021, more than 2500 members are connected across India under this program.

If you know someone who is about to get amputated or a fresh case of amputation, pls share the details with us on